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Substituting Butter for Vegetable Shortening

Aretia asks: Is it safe to substitute butter for butter-flavored Crisco?

Baking S.O.S. says: Yes! You can substitute butter for butter-flavor Crisco. Your baked goods may spread more because butter contains more water, but they will taste better with butter, too!

Tips for a Chocolate Cake that Falls Flat

Kathy says: Oh My God. I’ve never read a blog as helpful as this! I love to cook and bake. I never fail in my cooking but when it comes to baking, it’s always 50/50. Last week, I tried baking a cake that uses both baking soda and baking powder. I was so scared because […]

Cupcake and Muffin Liners/Papers

Tooba says: I love baking and have recently started making cupcakes and muffins. I have two questions:

1. What is the difference between a cupcake liner/wrapper and muffin liner/wrapper? 2. The liners I use to make cupcakes/muffins absorb oil. When I take my cakes out, the paper has changed color like it changes when some […]

How to prevent cupcake liners from separating from the cupcakes

Baking S.O.S. says: I have received numerous questions and comments on one particularly tricky problem: Cupcake liners (or papers) have a tendency to separate from the cupcakes after they are baked.

Unfortunately, there is no one perfect solution to this problem. But through much trial and error, I and others in the baking community have […]

How to Fix a Dense, Heavy Zucchini Bread?

Liz asks: I have been using the same zucchini bread recipe for a number of years. Over the past few months, every time I make it, it comes out flat and very dense. I have tested my baking soda and baking powder and they are both fine. What else could be causing this problem?

Baking […]

How to Substitute Butter for Oil and proper Mixing Methods

Kek asks: If I would like to substitute butter for oil in a cake recipe (whether it be from scratch or a box mix), how do I do a proper measurement conversion from working with oil to working with butter?

Baking S.O.S. says: Butter measures the same (by volume and by weight) regardless of what […]

Can I use jam in a cake?

Joan asks: I’m looking for a recipe to make a white or yellow cake with jam filling—I have lots of strawberry freezer jam I’d like to use. Have any recipes or recommendations? Can I just make a regular layer cake and put jam in it? Or will it all soak into bottom layer?

Baking S.O.S. […]

How to Substitute All-Purpose Flour for Self-Rising Flour

Beth asks: I love to bake, but mostly stick to the basics. On occasion, I want to try a recipe that calls for bread flour or self-rising flour. Is there something I can add to all-purpose flour as a substitute?

Baking S.O.S. says: You CAN substitute all-purpose flour for self-rising flour with the following adjustments: […]

How to Substitute Self-Rising Flour for All-Purpose Flour

Anthea asks: Regarding flour for cakes: what’s better to use, all-purpose or self-rising? I baked humming bird cake recently with self-rising flour + baking powder (no baking soda). The cake ended up play dough-ish. I live in Australia, and my local supermarket doesn’t sell/stock all-purpose flour. How does one make all-purpose flour?

Baking S.O.S. says: […]

Dense, Heavy Cake Help-Part 2

Anthea asks: How can I fix dense heavy cakes such as fruit (i.e. carrot or apple) or yogurt or sour cream-based cakes? My cakes have a lovely crust, but the main part inside is like play dough. Thank you.

Baking S.O.S. says: Since you are asking specifically about cakes made with fruit and yogurt or […]