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The apple baking frenzy begins…

The apple baking frenzy begins: I made apple cake, apple-cinnamon chip pancakes. Next up, apple galette or apple frangipan tart.

Smart Balance 50/50 Baking Sticks Test: Take 2

Recently, I tested a new product for baking: Smart Balance 50/50 butter blend sticks. These sticks are a combination of 50% Smart Balance spread and 50% butter. The benefit to baking with Smart Balance sticks is that they contain 28% less saturated fat and 50% less cholesterol than butter (according to the Smart Balance web […]

I am SO grateful to have fresh…

I am SO grateful to have fresh, HOT coffee after 2 days without! So glad we have power AND my husband is home to roast coffee beans!

Now I have resorted to drinkin…

Now I have resorted to drinking instant espresso which I use specifically for baking. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

My coffee roasting, Chemex bre…

My coffee roasting, Chemex brewing husband went on a business trip & left me with NO coffee. Attempted roasting on my own; no luck. 🙁

Just picked 20+ lbs of honeycr…

Just picked 20+ lbs of honeycrisp apples at Lynd Fruit Farm. Time to bake!

Doing another test of Smart Ba…

Doing another test of Smart Balance 50/50 sticks for baking: this time with my own scone recipe. Stay tuned!

P.S. the recipe I posted–Scot…

P.S. the recipe I posted–Scottish Shortbread cookies–is GREAT to make with kids. They have FUN, and they CAN’T make it wrong!

FINALLY wrote a post re: bakin…

FINALLY wrote a post re: baking experiment with healthier fat substitute Smart Balance butter blend http://bakingsos.com/blog/?p=142

Baking with a healthier fat substitute: Smart Balance 50/50 Blend

A while ago, I received a question about what kind of fat could be substituted for butter to make cookies healthier. At the time, I did a little bit of research and discovered that Smart Balance had recently unveiled a new product called 50/50 Butter Blend sticks which are formulated specifically for baking. [See this […]