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My most-requested cookie recip…

My most-requested cookie recipe: Iced Pumpkin Cookies http://bakingsos.com/blog/?p=175

Iced Pumpkin Cookies

This is one of my most-requested recipes. They are perfect for Fall, and they are absolutely addictive!


by Laura Robertson-Boyd

Yield: approx. 7 dozen small cookies

Ingredients for Cookies:

Shortening ¾ Cup

Granulated sugar 1 Cup

Brown sugar […]

Reminisced at Park of Roses wh…

Reminisced at Park of Roses where we were married, made heart-shaped choc tart, & redeemed ice cream gift cert from our 1-year anniversary!

Today is my anniversary, but i…

Today is my anniversary, but it’s the end of the month, and money is TIGHT. So we celebrated with “experiences” rather than expensive gifts

Made a double batch of iced pu…

Made a double batch of iced pumpkin cookies=12 dozen cookies!! Perfect for Fall. 🙂

Oh! And I can’t forget my 11-…

Oh! And I can’t forget my 11-year anniversary, too!! Making a bittersweet chocolate tart: heart-shaped, of course. <3

Baking for SO many events! 2 …

Baking for SO many events! 2 picnics today: Mother’s Center & Cub Scouts. Then fundraising events for United Way: bake sale & auction.

http://twitpic.com/d6qy – Chef…

http://twitpic.com/d6qy – Chef RB enjoying Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream in Columbus, OH

My own recipe for tender, flak…

My own recipe for tender, flaky (not hard & dry!) scones + test #2 of Smart Balance 50/50 baking sticks: http://bakingsos.com/blog/?cat=13

Cooking for a cause: Heading t…

Cooking for a cause: Heading to a picnic to organize Dems in a battleground state. Made Greek orzo salad & apple-cranberry galette.