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my first food memory

my first food memory

Originally uploaded by chefrb

When I was a student in cooking school, one of my assignments was to write an essay answering a number of questions about my food experiences to try to see what influenced me to pursue a career in the culinary arts.

One question asked me to describe my earlier food memory. I recall going to the grocery store with my mom when I was about 3-years-old and getting to pick out a donut for a treat. I chose a purple-frosted cake donut with sprinkles.

When I was grocery shopping and passed this display case–CLEARLY marketing the frosted sprinkled donuts to KIDS–it took me right back to that earliest food memory. Remember that moment in “Ratatouille” when Anton Ego was instantly taken back to his childhood after tasting the ratatouille? Seeing this display did the same thing for me. 🙂

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