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Why do paper liners separate from cupcakes? Take 2

Kay asks: Why do my cupcakes separate from the paper liners? I’ve tried using foil liners with the same results. Please help.

Baking S.O.S. says: I have had this problem many times myself. In fact, I addressed this question in an earlier blog post .

These are the solutions I have found to be […]

Savory Apple Pie

Janice says: Good morning. I baked a beautiful apple pie last night to serve to a guest tonight. I realized while the pie was in the oven that I had grabbed the “cumin” spice jar instead of the “cinnamon”! Uggg! I tasted the pie this morning and it’s not bad, but I would be […]

Pumpkin Pie from a REAL Pumpkin

Amy asks: How do I make a pie from an actual pumpkin?

Baking S.O.S. says: An “actual” pumpkin? What’s THAT?! I always use canned pumpkin because of the convenience factor–it saves so much time 🙂

What I DO know is that you cannot use the large jack-o-lantern variety of pumpkins to make pie. . . […]

docked pie crust up close

docked pie crust up close

Originally uploaded by chefrb

Docked pie crust

Docked pie crust

Originally uploaded by chefrb

Poking holes in the pie crust with a fork prior to baking allows steam to escape and prevents the crust from bubbling up as it bakes. This is called “docking” the dough.


Blind baking a pie crust

Blind baking a pie crust

Originally uploaded by chefrb

To “blind bake” a pie crust–which is baking the crust without any filling in it–first dock the dough. Then line the pie crust with parchment paper and fill with dried beans. This help weigh the crust […]

Never-Fail Pie Crust recipe

Never-Fail Pie Crust

From the “Bentley Farm Cookbook” by Virginia Williams Bentley

Yield: enough pastry for a 9-inch one-crust pie

(double recipe for a 2-crust pie)


2 C. all-purpose flour 1 tsp. salt ½ C. vegetable oil ¼ C. cold […]

Apple, cranberry & pecan galette

Apple, cranberry & pecan galette

Originally uploaded by chefrb

What do you do when you have extra galette dough left over? Make dessert, of course!

Roasted Vegetable Galette: the finished product

Roasted Vegetable Galette: the finished product

Originally uploaded by chefrb This is one of our favorites: a savory rustic tart made with buttery galette dough and filled with roasted vegetables. Delicious!


Roasted Vegetable Galette: Step 2

Roasted Vegetable Galette: Step 2

Originally uploaded by chefrb

Fold the edges up over the filling, allowing some of the vegetables to show through. Brush with an egg wash (egg & milk mixture). Bake at 400 degrees Farenheit for 45 minutes or until golden, brown […]