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Just ate Jeni’s Splendid Ice C…

Just ate Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream: a trio of Thai Chili (w/ coconut & peanut butter), Lime Cilantro, & Goat Cheese w/ Cherries. YUM!

Never-Fail Pie Crust recipe

Never-Fail Pie Crust

From the “Bentley Farm Cookbook” by Virginia Williams Bentley

Yield: enough pastry for a 9-inch one-crust pie

(double recipe for a 2-crust pie)


2 C. all-purpose flour 1 tsp. salt ½ C. vegetable oil ¼ C. cold […]

I love the bounty of fresh fru…

I love the bounty of fresh fruit in Summer! Made 2 pies from scratch: peach & blueberry. Mmmmm!

Chilled Creme Fraiche with strawberries & blueberries

Chilled Creme Fraiche with strawberries & blueberries

Originally uploaded by chefrb I made this red, white & blue dessert for the Fourth of July. It is a simple combination of sour cream & heavy cream sweetened with sugar, a little gelatin added to set it up, […]

my first food memory

my first food memory

Originally uploaded by chefrb

When I was a student in cooking school, one of my assignments was to write an essay answering a number of questions about my food experiences to try to see what influenced me to pursue a career […]